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Follow our style guide: How to wear purples and lilacs?
Purple is in for quite a while now. First in the catwalks and catalogues, and little by little we see it also more on the streets. Not maybe the easiest colour to choose for most of us, and often it is one of those 'love or hate' colours. But actually you can do a lot of nice combinations with purple or the lighter lilac. If you are afraid to invest directly in bigger pieces, try what accessories would do, maybe a soft lilac beanie, or a scarf, and start small.
Here we have combined a mid purple soft jumper and teal green trousers. You can of course pick up different tones of both colours. Safe and easy way is to use together one dark colour and one lighter colour. For example dark green with lighter lilac, or deep purple with mint green. These looks would be quite balanced yet interesting.
For bolder looks you can combine dark green with dark purple, or both colours with lighter variants. Test and see, whether it suits you.
Have to admit, this combination is also bold, but nevertheless quite stunning. We chose a turtleneck in deep purple, and bright cheerful vintage inspired trousers in pumpkin orange, and to finish it up also a scarf by Wolvis. To tone these colours down, try combining with lilac or more muted terracotta.
Here you can go in many ways. Try pale pastel blue with dark purple, can be stunning. Or like here take a dark blue jumper and combine with lilac trousers. Exciting, but accessible and not too over the top.
If you want to add a third colour in this scheme, try out different greens.
In this look we went all the way with lighter tones, and we added ecru to the combination of lilac and mustard. The lilac T-shirt has a nice subtle print, the trousers actually combine with different colours as well as for example black. The scarf adds more mustard yellow to the pallet.
As an alternative you can also choose to combine darker mustard, and maybe even darker purple. Instead of ecru you can go for beige as additional neutral colour, or even darker brown would be ok.
Here we opted also for a lighter tones, caramel brown and lilac. The T-shirt comes in lilac, the trousers are melange caramel, in flannel, and both colours return in the soft toned sneakers.
You can also try to combine lilac with darker browns like cognac - can be quite stunning - or chocolate brown.
Grey combines beautiful with strong colours. Here we just added some magenta sneakers to add interest in a monochrome outfit with a T-shirt and trousers. You can add any purple tone to grey, just test what you like.
Storng and sweet combination, of a jumper and pink corduroy trousers, for if you like a little more colours. Here you can also test different tints of purple combined with different pink. Try for example dusty pink with strong purple. Or the same pink with lilac, both can be beautiful together, but very different. We combined soft warm pink again with the mid toned purple.
These colours can clash but if you are not afraid some bold styles, this combination can be just your new favourite. We went for bright red jumper, again with the lilac trousers, but you try even darker purples here.
* On the prices we use the concept price per wear, this calculated per 30 wears. For most of the clothing at least we hope that they will be worn much more than this, but on average we fall too often behind of this target, according to studies. The 30 wears minimum is a good start, to justify the ecological footprint of the garment. And for us as consumers a new way to consider how much we wear our clothing, and how much the cost of our clothing is per wear, instead of only looking at the purchase price, which may encourage us to buy lower quality at a cheaper price.