One month later...
So here we are: the shop has been open for a month already now! Wow, that went so quickly. We've been working really hard but all the nice customers in the shop make it all worthwile. We have had lots of great comments, thank you very very much for that! And all the talk about OLV-straat becoming so nice... It's true, istn't it?
Actually, the amazing thing is that everything went more or less as planned. Even the opening event last week, imagine that ;-) Okay, we are forgetting about a few hazards here and there, but we can't complain really. Although it has been so terribly exciting, my God!
In the meanwhile we are still waiting for some fantastic stuff to arrive, like toys, more clothes (yes please, bring the men's clothes in finally!) and great wooden homeware, to mention only a few things ;-) Can't wait to put those on the shelves. Just can't wait...